This Is What Thyroid Relief Feels Like
Millions of Americans Have Thyroid Issues. Are You One of Them?
Symptoms resulting from a thyroid disorder are very common. Here’s how to tell. Are you:
Important Information About Thyroid Disorders
Why a Specialist Matters
The truth is, thyroid symptoms are easy to misdiagnose, especially if done by a physician who does not specialize in endocrinology.
Without a specialist, odds are good that you’ll be given an incorrect diagnosis and the wrong medications, further prolonging the condition. And is 7 minutes (the average doctor’s visit) with a general physician really enough to make a proper diagnosis?
And what if it’s Hashimoto’s instead of a normal Thyroid Condition? Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disorder and requires a completely different plan for eliminating symptoms and managing the condition.
When was the last time any doctor asked you about your diet or nutrition?
It takes years of study, certification and practice to master Chiropractic Wellness and Nutrition, which is the type of care we offer at our clinic.
Without a solid understanding of biochemistry and how nutrition impacts our bodies, you are not likely to permanent relief for your condition. And drug companies aren’t interested in cures, only offering relief for symptoms that will always return and require more pills. In short, there is a very good reason to see a specialist.
How We Are Different (And Better!)
Our comprehensive program evaluates and modifies the following:
Why Chiropractic Wellness and Nutrition Is a Better Solution
Chiropractic Wellness and Nutrition is all about “thinking & linking” your systems together instead of “blaming & taming”. Whether it’s diet, lifestyle modifications, supplements or other modalities, you need a plan that is designed for your specific needs, not a one size fits all drug or dietary plan.
The Reason You’re Probably Still Reading This Is…..
Maybe you’ve already been diagnosed, and the drugs are not working like they should. Maybe the thyroid replacement therapy is not getting the results you expected. Or maybe you have identified several symptoms and are concerned that you may have a thyroid disorder. Whatever the reason, it is important to get a proper evaluation from a doctor who understands the endocrine system and how to identify and address a thyroid disorder. And more importantly, you need a doctor who will not just prescribe drugs, but one who will address the root cause of your symptoms and create a customized plan for your body. That is what you deserve.